About Me
I am a Consultant Paediatrician with 25 years’ experience and I have a special interest in Paediatric allergy. My general medical training (MBCHB) was achieved in Cape Town, South Africa. I then subsequently completed my Paediatric training (MRCP, MRCPCH) in London. I was fortunate to complete a fellowship year in Australia at the Sydney Children's Hospital. Training over 3 continents has allowed me to gain a wealth of Paediatric experience and knowledge, ensuring the best possible care for my patients.
I am a member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), the Association of Paediatric Emergency Medicine (APEM) and the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI).
I have two young daughters who keep my on my toes, and in my spare time I enjoy swimming, cycling, motor bikes and cooking up a storm.
Consultant Paediatrician (Private)
Private patients are seen at the Alexandra Hospital, Cheadle and Spire Manchester and Spire Hale. Outside of these clinics I can provide home visits by appointment or on an emergency basis.
Consultant Paediatrician (NHS)
For 3 years I worked at the Royal Manchester Children’ Hospital and then transferred to the Salford Royal Hospital (‘Hope Hospital’), Here I was instrumental in setting up and leading the innovative Panda Unit which encompasses a busy Paediatric Emergency Department and observation ward.